Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

grey substance of cerebellum

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Level 3 cerebellum Short Extended
Current level grey substance of cerebellum
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
83924 9037 9037
grey substance of cerebellum ; grey matter of cerebellum ▲
substantia grisea cerebelli
72248 5745 5745
cerebellar cortex
cortex cerebelli
83141 29280 9040
layers of cerebellar cortex
strata corticis cerebelli
83140 5746 5746
granular layer
stratum granulare
8239 8239
glomerulus of cerebellum
glomerulus cerebelli
83896 5747 5747
Purkinje cell layer
stratum purkinjense
83897 5748 5748
molecular layer
stratum moleculare
40227 8229
neurons of cerebellar cortex
neura corticis cerebelli
40228 8230
projection neurons of cerebellar cortex
neura projectionis corticis cerebelli
40229 8233
Purkinje neurons; Purkinje cells
neura purkinjensia
40230 8234
cerebellar interneurons
interneura corticis cerebelli
40231 8236
excitatory interneurons of cerebellar cortex
interneura excitatoria corticis cerebelli
29238 8237
granule neurons; granule cells
neura granularia
8237 8237
# granule neuron; granule cell
# neuron granulare
29246 8240
dendrites of granule neuron of cerebellar cortex
dendrita neuri granularis
8239 8239
glomerulus of cerebellum
glomerulus cerebelli
29250 8242
parallel fibres ▲
fibrae parallelae
40232 8243
unipolar brush neurons; unipolar brush cells
neura penicillata
40233 8245
inhibitory interneurons of cerebellar cortex
interneura inhibitoria corticis cerebelli
29258 8246
horizontal fusiform neurons ; horizontal fusiform cells
neura fusiformia horizontalia
29262 8248
large Golgi neurons; large Golgi cells
neura golgiensia magna
8248 8248
# large Golgi neuron; large Golgi cell
# neuron golgiense magnum
8251 8251
axon of large Golgi neuron
axon neuri golgiensis magni
29266 8249
small Golgi neurons; small Golgi cells
neura golgiensia parva
84461 29274 8252
basket neurons; basket cells
neura corbiformia
29278 8254
superficial stellate neurons ; superficial stellate cells
neura stellata superficialia
29282 8255
deep stellate neurons ; deep stellate cells
neura stellata profunda
29447 9724
astrocytes of cerebellum
astrocyti cerebelli
39411 9726
radial astrocytes
astrocyti radiales
54559 29913 9735
epithelial astrocytes of cerebellum
astrocyti epitheliales cerebelli
9735 9735
# epithelial astrocyte of cerebellum
# astrocytus epithelialis cerebelli
29941 9926
radial processes
processus radiales
29943 9928
feathered astrocytes
astrocyti pennati
25474 8344
subdivisions of cerebellum
divisiones cerebelli
72253 5692 5692
72251 5693 5693
72252 5694 5694
26484 9279
sagittal zones of cerebellum (pair)
zonae sagittales cerebelli (par)
26575 9281
medial sagittal zones (pair)
zonae sagittales mediales (par)
32454 9282
zone A (pair)
zona A (par)
32458 9283
zone X (pair)
zona X (par)
32459 9284
zone B (pair)
zona B (par)
26888 9343
intermediate sagittal zones (pair)
zonae sagittales intermediae (par)
32464 9286
zone C1 (pair)
zona C1 (par)
32467 9287
zone C2 (pair)
zona C2 (par)
32468 8340
zone C3 (pair)
zona C3 (par)
32473 9338
lateral sagittal zones (pair)
zonae sagittales laterales (par)
32477 9339
zone Y (pair)
zona Y (par)
32480 9340
zone D1 (pair)
zona D1 (par)
32483 9341
zone D2 (pair)
zona D2 (par)
321695 40238 5749
cerebellar nuclei (pair)
nuclei cerebelli (par)
72260 40241 5750
dentate nucleus (pair) ; lateral cerebellar nucleus (pair)
nucleus dentatus (par) ; nucleus lateralis cerebelli (par)
72548 40244 5751
hilum of dentate nucleus of cerebellum (pair)
hilum nuclei dentati (par)
40247 8258
microgyric part (pair)
pars microgyria (par)
40250 8260
macrogyric part (pair)
pars macrogyria (par)
40254 8261
interposed nuclei (pair)
nuclei interpositi (par)
72538 40257 5752
emboliform nucleus (pair) ; anterior interposed nucleus (pair)
nucleus emboliformis (par) ; nucleus interpositus anterior (par)
72536 40260 5753
globose nucleus (pair) ; posterior interposed nucleus (pair)
nucleus globosus (par) ; nucleus interpositus posterior (par)
72537 40263 5754
fastigial nucleus (pair) ; medial cerebellar nucleus (pair)
nucleus fastigii (par)
29287 8341
neurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
neura nuclei cerebelli (par)
29291 8343
projection neurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
neura projectionis nuclei cerebelli (par)
29295 8345
large projection neurons (pair)
neura magna (par)
29299 8349
small projection neurons (pair); nucleoolivary neurons (pair)
neura projectionis parva (par); neura nucleoolivaria (par)
29303 8351
inhibitory interneurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
interneura inhibitoria nuclei cerebelli (par)
29307 8263
glycinergic inhibitory interneurons (pair)
interneura inhibitoria glycinergica (par)
29311 8264
GABAergic inhibitory interneurons (pair)
interneura inhibitoria GABAergica (par)
66 lines
85.8 %
97.3 %
8 partial items
116 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The use of 'stellatum' for the Golgi cells is unfortunate, given the presence of other Stellate cells in the Molecular layer. As Latin term Neuron golgiense and as English term Golgi cell were accepted at the FIPAT Meeting in Istanbul, 2015.
See note # 8248
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 9037
Number of children 115 (validated)
Number of units 58 (validated)
Signature 19544 (validated since 18.4.2018)
Date: 31.12.2021